7 Clans Blonde Ale 5%
A malt-forward American Blonde ale featuring rich, bready Vienna malt. Willamette hops provide a light floral presence and low bitterness for balance. This medium- bodied blonde is crisp with high drinkability.
For Cherokees, our homeland is where life begins and the first sip of this ale is just that – a new beginning, a renewal for the soul. This rich, medium-bodied blonde is inspired by the original Cherokee mother, Selu, and incorporates a hint of corn to symbolize her eternal gift to the Cherokee. This blonde ale embodies the floral crispness of our homeland’s mountain air and serene spirit indicative of Selu herself.

Hop-Rooted IPA 6.5%
This American IPA features intense floral and citrus notes, utilizing Centennial hops from the Pacific Northwest. Bitterness is bright and balanced without being over the top. Dry-hopped with even more Centennial for an extra punch of pungent hop goodness.
Indigenous cultures around the world know that nature never fails to provide just what our bodies need and our taste buds crave. Sustaining a harmonious relationship with the land is essential to our wellbeing. So for this brew, we dug deep to unearth our Hop-Rooted IPA. By cultivating intense floral and citrus notes to compliment Pacific Northwest Centennial hops’ bitterness, we’ve gone back to the secret of earthly goodness – balance.

Bended Tree Chestnut Brown 5%
A malt-forward American Brown with complexity. Notes of bread crust, biscuit, caramel, and chocolate are complemented by a subtle chestnut presence. Balanced by a light addition of hops, this mahogany colored ale is rich in malt flavor and accessible to all palates.
The world bends with the heat of summer and cools into the curvature of fall. As leaves begin to blanket mountain trails, the sweetness of Cherokee chestnut bread beckons us home. Bent trees found on Cherokee lands are believed to be navigational markers. Like these trees, our Chestnut Brown Ale welcomes you home, however you define it, to pull up a seat at our communal table and indulge in rich, malt-forward flavors year-round.

Uktena Double IPA 10.3%
A mega hopped double IPA loaded with a variety of 5 hops. Juicy bitterness up front followed by fully hop flavors and aromas with notes of stone fruit, melon and pear.
The Cherokee great horned serpent, known as Uktena, has charted these rivers for centuries. As fierce as its namesake, Uktena Double IPA pulls no flavor punches. Five different hops are infused in this robust brew as we pay homage to the five menacing qualities of this legendary Cherokee beast: scales, wings, horns, claws, and a blazing crystal crest. Like Uktena, this powerful IPA is surprisingly smooth – but luckily, less deadly.

7 Clans Strawberry Saison 5.7%
Yeast derived fruit and spice flavors take center stage in this nuanced beer. It offers a subtle note of freshly picked strawberries and dry finish.
This Strawberry Saison is as refreshing as the Cherokee love story that inspired it. It was the bright sweetness of strawberries that served as a reminder of the blessing of forgiveness for the first Cherokee woman and man. The breeziness of this brew will certainly help you embrace a fresh start. With hints of banana and clove, the carbonation has been increased to bring forth a fresh fruit-forward experience in every sip.

Sali Persimmon Sour 4.4%
Refreshing tartness is met with sweetness from ripe persimmon. This sour has complex flavors reminiscent of mango and apricot within an easy-drinking and thirst quenching beer.
A rare fruit that incites nostalgia, the persimmon is an indigenous ingredient in this Sour carrying a soft, creamy, blush finish. Its levity, with a hint of tartness, is refreshing in much the same way persimmons usher in winter with a subtle sweetness. Cherokees have used persimmons in culinary delights for centuries. As a child, our founder collected persimmons with her grandfather. Wanting to avoid the bitterness of an unripe fruit, Morgan asked how she would know they were ready to eat. Her grandfather replied, “Try it anyway.” He encouraged her to experience it for herself, and in this way develop her own instincts.

7 Clans Milk Stout 6.5%
Full bodied and full flavored, this cream stout features an ample roast supported with sweetness. Notes of chocolate and caramel complement the medium to thick mouth feel.
Just as the Cherokee origin story of the Milky Way tells us of gi-li (dog) stealing cornmeal and being chased away, this milk stout is full of its own mischievous bounce. A richly balanced brew, it pulls notes of chocolate to create a drinkability that is out of this world. Gi-li may have left a trail of cornmeal as he fled, but we guarantee you won’t want to spill a drop of this stout!

7 Clans Fall Seasonal Release 6.3%
Rustic and spiced, this sweet potato amber Ale is well-rounded with a full-bodied mouthfeel and a slightly sweet finish. Featuring sweet potato, squash, acorns, and seasonal spices.
We currently do not have any other seasonal offerings, but may have a local guest tap available – please visit taproom for updates. Thank you!
7 Clans Brewing is located at 66 Sweeten Creek Road in Asheville, North Carolina –
conveniently located just south of Biltmore Village.
7 Clans Brewing will be focused during 2023 on product development, strengthening their brand, and growing their existing state-wide distribution. They currently facilitate the majority of their brewing process at 7 Clans’ sister brewery, Frog Level Brewing, in Waynesville, North Carolina – where they also have their beer available on tap, in cans, and in growlers-to-go.